Urban strategy and planning
Cities will save us.
For the last decade I've been working with governments, nonprofits, and the private sector to create healthier, happier, and more equitable cities and towns.
I write plans and build policy approaches that respond to the public's vision for the places they love. We've adapted best practices from around the world to places large and small. And we've set paths for implementation that are measurable, accountable, and support the long-term well-being of places and people.
My approach is holistic and interdisciplinary, because sustainable places can't be created in a silo. We need collaborate, engage deeply with communities, and boldly rethink how our systems work.
Land use and transportation integration
Downtown and district-level strategies
Economic and financial analysis
Policy analysis and recommendations
Transit- and trail-oriented development
Active transportation planning
Community and stakeholder engagement
Public agency strategies
Selected project experience
Caltrans Active Transportation Plans
Indianapolis Trail-Oriented Development Study
Water Works Park Concept Plan (Minneapolis)
Redevelopment Strategy for the Presidio of San Francisco
Re-Envisioning New York City Branch Libraries
Inwood/Sherman Creek Opportunity Area Plan (New York, NY)
Orange County (CA) Safe Routes to School Action Plan
Avalon (CA) Active Transportation Plan
San Diego Association of Governments iCommute Strategic Plan
Government Alliance on Race Equity
Nyack (NY) Comprehensive Plan and Development Feasibility Study
Culver City (CA) General Plan Update
Los Angeles Dockless Compliance Evaluation
New York State DOT Active Transportation Strategy Update
Los Angeles Countywide Sustainability Plan
University of California - Santa Barbara Master Circulation Plan
Los Angeles County Bicycle Plan Update
Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency
CreateNYC: A Cultural Plan for All New Yorkers
MassDOT Freight Plan
Orange County (CA) Active Transportation Support Services
Filoli Historic House and Garden Revenue Study (Woodside, CA)
Burton Way Bus Boarding Islands (Beverly Hills, CA)
Torrance (CA) Citywide Wayfinding and Signage Plan
Winchester (MA) Downtown Parking Study
Los Angeles Metro Bikeshare Expansion
Fresno Trail Network Expansion Feasibility Plan
Wilshire Boulevard Safety Study (Santa Monica, CA)
Connect Beverly Hills (CA)
North Jersey Regional Active Transportation Plan
Port Authority Bus Terminal International Design and Deliverability Competition (New York)
Lighthouse Point Sustainable Development Vision (Eleuthera, The Bahamas)
Minnetonka (MN) Housing and Density Options Study
Harlem River Brownfield Opportunity Area Plan (New York)
Culver City (CA) Community Conversations
Loring Greenway Public Realm Study (Minneapolis)
Cancer Survivor's Park Programming Plan (Minneapolis)
Developers' Perspectives on Transit-Oriented Development (Minneapolis)
Mounds Boulevard Station Public Realm Updates for Bicyclists and Pedestrians (St Paul, MN)